Thursday 17 February 2011

We wish you a happy and prosperous 2011!

Technology blog from Bangladesh

Welcome to the Avangate Blog, the place to hang out if you have a software business.
Here’s one for you: subscribe to our RSS feed and get served immediately.

Enjoy your reading!

I hope your office/home/coffee place is also filled with a pleasant pine and freshly peeled oranges scent and you feel the slowing rhythm of everybody and everything around you.
We are also enjoying this time of the year and are spending most of our time on summing up and drawing conclusions for 2010 and deciding on our future actions for 2011. Of course, I want to share with you here some of the milestones of Avangate in 2010 :).

The main goal in the beginning of the year was that 2010 would be the Year of Conversion Optimization. And indeed a lot of our efforts were concentrated on this :). We are now proud to present a steady increase throughout the year of the default shopping cart conversion rates:

Avangate default shopping cart conversion rate increase in 2010

A big thank you goes to all software vendors that chose in 2010 to customize their shopping carts, run extensive A/B and multivariate tests and contribute with insights that we leveraged to benefit all Avangate shopping carts. Notice that peak? That’s where the Cyber Monday and Black Friday special offers were in action – congratulations to all of you who participated to it!  Those of you who haven’t found the time to do testing on your online stores this year, beware: no more excuses will be accepted in 2011 ;) !

Avangate’s eCommerce platform was enriched with a lot of new features to sustain our objective of increasing software vendors’ sales. Here are some of them:

You have the tools and programs to sell more at once: cross sell your own products or other vendors’ inside the Avangate network;Email communication with shoppers got even more efficient through customization and email marketing programs;Your time investment in testing pricing and in marketing actions just got shorter by using on the fly pricing, directly from Integration assistant inside Avangate Control Panel;You gained more control of your business through the highly improved reporting system: you can schedule reports through the business analytics module, track licenses changes over time, visualize your A/B testing results and so on;Your shoppers can now receive directly in their browser the products you are selling through instant electronic delivery, besides the regular mail delivery;The affiliates network reached over 20.000 software niche affiliates, who are even more motivated to contribute to sales. Maybe because of the freshly re-designed Affiliates control panel ;), the affiliate bonus programs run by vendors from their Control Panel or by an even more flexible approach to cookie life, payment intervals and so on.ARMS, Avangate’s reseller and partner management system got even more flexible through a lot of customizations now possible for both merchants and partners. This of course led to more adopters and success stories that you may be interested in.

Oh the list could easily go on and on for instance with our localization efforts focused on BRIC countries, social media integration activities, Avangate winning 5 and so on.

We’re going to start 2011 in the spirit of our newly defined company values that make us proud: People, Excellence, Innovation and Customer Delight and work towards our mission and vision.

But as most of you know are thinking right now about Holidays, family, friends and cookies, I’ll finish this blog post with my best wishes for you & your loved ones!

And a small gift: the Avangate 2010 Christmas tree!

Avangate 2010 Chistmas tree Happy 2011!

Tags: Avangate, Conversion rate optimization, ecommerce platform, sell software

This entry was posted on Friday, December 24th, 2010 at 3:30 pm and is filed under Avangate.
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For Further Reading,
happy, prosperous


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