Friday, 7 January 2011

Russell Brunson Dan Kennedy Internet Marketing Videos

Technology blog from Bangladesh

You are Bidding on Russell Brunson's "Becoming a 12 Month Millionaire" Video Training Course (Value = $497)

In these Videos, Internet Marketing Millionaire Russell Brunson lays it all out on the line and reveals the specific Nitty-gritty details of how he took his 6-figure business and exploded it to a 7-figure juggernaut in 3 1/2 years. Read on to discover how you can get access to this "closed-door" 1-day seminar.

Now for the first time ever, Russell is allowing a select few people to get access to this seminar. You'll get access to ALL the videos to this seminar so you can take your business to the next level when you get:

The 12-Month Internet Millionaire
6-to-7 Figure Workshop

How to Convert Any 6-Figure Business
Into a 7-Figure Money Machine!

The 12MIM 6-to-7 Figure Workshop is what you need to discover how to take ANY online business and extract as much profit as possible. Advanced techniques were covered that, when you put them to use, could REALLY explode your income. 

To be frank, this is a RARE opportunity to watch an experienced internet marketer spill the beans on how to create a high-converting business. All the doors have been unlocked and all the stones have been unturned. 

Don't believe me? 

Here's Just SOME Of What You'll Discover In This Seminar... Broken Down Video-by-Video!

Video 1: Creating Your Value Ladder With Russell Brunson

The anatomy of the value ladder and how you can exploit it for massive profits (it's something you can REALLY use to take your business into the 6-7 figure level!
How a chiropractor used a simple technique to skyrocket his leads (it's something anyone can do...even if you're just starting out!)
A case study into how a lawn-care business owner annihilated his competition by creating the ULTIMATE irresistible offer (it's something that you can easily implement for your OWN business!
An explication of Russell Brunson's information marketing model...and how it can easily be modified for your OWN business (it's like cutting and pasting!)
The secret of "moving the free line" and how it can result in more income for you (one guy was able to REALLY take his business to the next can do it too!)
A simple case study into the psychology of the customer and how it can make you a LOT of money by moving them through the ascension model (just this step ALONE can take your business to the next level!)
The "lifeline of a lead" and what you need to know about it to really boost your profits (All 7 figure businesses do's literally a no-brainer!)
The art of "pre-framing" and how it is CRITICAL to get this right for your ads (leave this out and your advertising will TANK!)
An illegal marketing tactic that was perhaps the greatest marketing idea (you can still take this tactic and use it yourself for legal reasons!)
And a whole LOT more?Video 2: Advanced Buyer Psychology with Russell Brunson

The 2 most important emotions you need to play off of if you want to sell a lot of product (most people don't get this and end up with mediocre--or NO-- sales!)
The 1 thing you need to do before you even start selling anything....otherwise it will come back to bite you. (Most businesses fail because they don't do this...don't let it be YOU!)
What you can learn from network marketing that could lead to a HUGE profit windfall for you (it's like getting a glimpse into one of the best business models in the world!
How you can use banner re-targeting to boost your business (even most of Russell's buddies are unaware of this!)
3 ultimate email techniques that could really boost your response (this is HUGE and could lead to greater profits for you! Ultimate autoresponder things (video social stuff) 
The psychology of a typical buyer and how you can tap into that to sell more product (it's like shooting fish in a barrel!) 
How to get buyers "in heat" so they'll buy from you again and again (Russell has exploited this to the tune of MILLIONS in the past 3 1/2 years) 
The most important marketing principle in the entire world (this is something you won't read about in ANY textbook...just he "school of hard knocks" of business!" 
And a whole LOT more?
Video 3: Advanced Selling Tactics with Russell Brunson

What you need to know about the latest guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission (this could keep you from going into the slammer!) 

The secret of the attractive character and how it can line your pocket with money (this is the REAL secret to gaining massive wealth...don't miss out on this!) 
What you are REALLY selling...and why you need to realize this early on (Howard Stern is a perfect example...and he's been on the air for YEARS...don't worry, it's totally clean and legal!) 
The importance of having a good back story so you can literally BOND with your customers (people only buy from people they know and like, and this tip could allow you to build an AMAZING herd of people who will buy from you again and again!!) 
A case study into the ultimate attractive character...what you should say and how you should say it (this will put you head and shoulders above the competition...NOBODY is doing this stuff!) 
How a real estate person harnessed reality TV to gain a following and ensure you'll have raving fans FOREVER (you'll even get to see his example video you can emulate!) 
3 important examples of attractive characters you can emulate (Russell even gives away a template you can use for your OWN character--one of the most important aspects of marketing!) 
And a whole LOT more?
Video 4: Ninja Traffic Secrets with Mason Tanner

The types of traffic that you need to attract to your site (if you don't have this traffic that converts going to your site, then you might as well give it up! 
The top 2 types of contextual ads you can run to get traffic to your site (one of these is the bonafide mother-load of traffic!
How to correctly choose your keywords to target (this is CRITICAL--if you use the wrong keywords in your campaign you business might end up in smoke!) 
Which type of keywords convert better...and which one are junk (if you don't choose the right keywords, you'll be in BIG trouble! 
How to tell where the REAL money is being made online (this is where most people screw it up, but you'll get the answers right here!
The #1 keyword tool you need to know about .... and how you can use it (this can save you a LOT of time and money!
How you can purchase email traffic and how much that converts (Russell uses it ALL the time and email traffic is some of the best out there...that is if you know what you're doing!) 
And a whole LOT more?
Video 5: Advanced Testing and Tweaking with Mason Tanner

The 1 type of landing page you should have so you can get maximum conversions (this has been tested and PROVEN to work in most markets--thus saving you TONS of work! 
How many variables you should test and tweak on any given site (this is how you really take your business from 6-figures to 7-figures in no time!) 
The secrets of multivariate testing and how you can take your conversions to the next level (this is only for ADVANCED marketers so you better pay attention!) 
The 1 place you need to test traffic if you're going to test PPC (if you use Google's traffic source you're going to pay through the nose!) 
How to situate your keywords so you get maximum traffic (this part is literally a science and you REALLY need to pay attention to it!) 
The BEST keyword tool to use when you're doing keyword research (best part is it's FREE!) 
How to build a site to test with Google Adwords (violate these rules and your account could get shut down!) 
The one awesome keyword tool that takes keyword sources from different areas and merges them all into one (it's a paid tool but well worth getting!) 
The threshold regarding whether or not a keyword has enough searches to pursue (don't waste your time on "dud" keywords) 
And a whole LOT more?
 Video 6: Secret Back-End Tactics - Part 1 with Garrett Robins

Why having a back end program in your business is THE way to boost profits in your business (it was solely responsible for taking Russell's business into the 6-7 figure range!
How to build value in your product and service (it's not about just how much money you can's about how much VALUE you can give to people!
7 questions you NEED to answer in order to build a back-end program (this is what the BIG players do when they want to take their business to the next level!) 
The importance of the HERD and why you need to pay attention to building a loyal following (this herd is going to give you money over and over again!) 
How to attract the HERD so you can sell to them again and again (this is the secret for Russell's company and can be yours too!) 
How to calculate your cost per lead (this is CRITICAL when it comes to elucidating more money from your business!
The "must-have" sales pitch you need to have in order to upsell your customers (this has been proven time and time again to convert!!) 
And a whole LOT more?
 Video 7: Secret Back-End Tactics - Part 2 with Garrett Robins

The one call service you can use to automate things (it sure beats hiring 45 people to do it for you!)
How NOT to be an annoying pest when doing back-end selling (this is what you need to do if you want to boost your conversions)
Ninja sales tactics that will change you from an annoying pest to a welcome guest (this is necessary if you want to extract as many sales as possible)
The 4 word acronym that will make your life a LOT easier when it comes to selling and marketing in general (this is how it's done!)
How to get JV traffic to your site (Russell's whole business is based on JV traffic and can be the most important traffic source ever!) 
More ideas on how to build a solid back-end into your business (Several participants actually get up and talk about their you can learn from the best!)
And a whole LOT more?
Video 8: Wrapping It All Up with Russell Brunson

How just one tweak in our business model ended up boosting our profits into the 3-4 million dollar range (it's something you can copy too!) 
How Russell created his first home-study course from a 10,000 seminar (it's something you can copy too!)
Think your products have to be high-quality? Here's a case study into how Russell created his first product (it's something that you can easily implement into your OWN business!) 
Quick-and-dirty product creation techniques most people will NEVER know (it's all about getting it out there) 
Think you have to have all these pieces into your business in order to start raking it in? Think again! (Russell didn't have anything either but he STILL became a millionaire when he was young!) 
Where to send traffic if you're going to do media buys (this is truly "player" material and you can really rake it in when you implement this!) 
An explication of one person's business and how he set up their value ladder (just copy and paste this into your own business!)  
And a whole LOT more?
Russell charges $497 for these videos. But, for as long as I can, I'm going to let you in on this seminar for only $47. 

So what are you waiting for? Get access to these videos, right now, while it's still hot on your mind! 

Thanks for your time!

Craig Valine

P.S.  As a BONUS, I'm including Dan Kennedy's NEW report called, "The Professor of Harsh Reality's BLUEPRINT FOR PROSPERITY in Unprosperous Times" valued at $97.

In this report, you'll see:

How to Sustain Prosperity as an 11Moving to Higher Ground……………………….page 12The Keys to Succeeding in Business………… page 13Overcoming One of the Best Excuses 14Are You Smarter than the Goose? 15People Love to Buy………………………….… 16Dead Man (or Business) Walking……….… 17Where the Greatest Opportunities are Often Concealed 18Reality Bites, Many....……………………………… 19Wretched Excess and Thanksgiving………..……page 20Scotch, Water, and 22The Decline and Fall of American Civilization ..…page 23Bowl and Grow Rich? 24The Importance of Personal Philosophy…………page 25

P.P.S. No Shipping Charges! These videos are delivered digitally and can be watched while connected to the Internet. Once the auction has ended and payment is received, you will receive an email to direct you to a web page to download the program in a Zip file to your computer.

Works with WINDOWS operating system ONLY!

Any questions? Feel free to email me.

Note to eBay: I am authorized by Russell Brunson's organization (DotComSecrets) to Resell this product. As well, I am authorized by Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle to offer this BONUS Report by Dan Kennedy included in this auction.

View the original article here


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