Customer Reviews:
"Excellent product and a great bunch of guys to do business with! 2 thumbs up!""Every so-called guru should be trained by these fellows. A First-class product.""Thanks... and your training is the best... I am launching my new business in a couple months... and all due to your training... Take Care"Dan G"I bought Premier 1.5 along with Total Training. Then I discovered How To Gurus. I'm really glad I did. George Peirson knows his stuff. Peirson can run circles around Jacob Rosenberg any day of the week. Thanks again."
Ronald C "I have gone through the Training that I purchased from you and it is really great. Your CDs are better than the Total Training ones I have gotten with the Adobe Illustrator CS and Photoshop CS software.""I would like to tell you what a wonderful training program this is! I am in the process of branching off into video production and thought George did an amazing job with the training videos""Sir, I have purchased your training videos for the Photoshop and Dreamweaver programs and Id like to say thank you for your experience. It made wonders to my web site.""Great seller and wonderful CD's to train with. All around A+++++++! Thanks! " "Fantastic product and quick shipment, better and much cheaper than local classes""Super fast shipping. Great product. Can't wait to try other videos. " "Great CD course, wish I would of had it 6 months ago, Fast shipping, Thanks :o) " "Best Ebay Experience Yet!, very personable, extremely useful product. Fast Ship "" Hello. I recently purchased this item. Excellent CDs. I appreciate the effort you have taken - You are indeed competition for VTC and Lynda.com - Well priced too.""This is my second purchase from you and I've got to tell you, this is better than taking a live class. Whenever I get lost I can "back you up" and listen to the lecture again. Thanks for making such a great product!""These are the best I've ever seen. I'm not just learning from them, but since you can tell where to look for a specific subject, I'm going to keep them in my desk for those times when I just get stuck on something. It will be the perfect reference tool.""Thank you very much George. I have been listening to your training and I must say you are Magnanimous! Your work is very fine and I appreciate listening to it very much. You are taking a daunting learning task and reducing it to a matter of only as long as it takes to listen to all the material to make the software completely usable. Have a good week end sir!""Hi George I'd just like to say I'm now near the end of CD1, and this is an absolutely excellent tutorial. I've tried several others - both book and video guides, and this one leaves everything else standing. The pace is right (for me anyway), the info is clear and well presented, and I can honestly say that now, at last, its all beginning to make sense ... and that's after just the first of six CDs. Congratulations on a fine piece of work. I'm well pleased. Many thanks indeed for putting this all together for people like me!""Last evening I had went through the first CD and you can mention in your selling that it is very understandable and clear also for people who's mother tongue is not English. It is really clear and effective! Thank you again, I will be finally able to use Dreamweaver instead of FrontPage without having to read heavy manuals and loosing my patience. Have a nice day and regards from Tuscany."
View the original article here
For Further Reading,
- Behind the Scenes: Tips from Affiliate Managers (1)
- New! Affiliate Marketing on the Internet 7.5 hrs on DVD
- Internet Marketing: Tips, Tricks, and Tactics NEW
- *CD Frank Kern Internet Marketing Mass Control Revealed
- Internet Marketing 100 Products CD Resell Resale Rights
- Internet Marketing Authority Reveals How Organizations Gain Influence With the Digital Generation
- Beginner's Guide To Article Marketing
- Article Marketers - Article Marketing Software to Make Unique Content
- Instant Article Creator for Article Marketing
- Video Marketing Traffic Tip Franco Gonzalez
- Affiliate AdWizard: Create Google Adsens
- Get Google Ads Free! :: New Secret!! :: Newbie Affiliate Made $109,620
- Behind the Scenes: Tips from Affiliate Managers (2)
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